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State Bank Launched “SBI Quick” for Mobile Inquiry

State Bank of India, the banker to every Indian, has recently launched “SBI Quick”, a simple and quick way to get Account Balance or Mini Statement of Account through mobile phone. Mrs. Arundhati Bhattacharya, the Chairman of SBI introduced this service for the account holders to get Balance or Mini Statement of account without walking to Bank or ATM or log-in to OnlineSBI.

How is State Bank Quick Facility for SBI Accounts Useful

As we all know it that there are various methods to know the SBI account balance or recent transactions details such as through ATM machine using ATM Card, using Bank passbook updates, on calling SBI customer care 1800112211, etc. But all these involves little time. But, recently started, “SBI quick” gives customers to access the mini statements or account balance from their mobile phones.

Which Facilities are Offered through SBI Quick Service

sbi quick gives access to instant account servicesSBI Quick Service Launched for Quick A/c Info
Using SBI Quick service any customer of Savings Bank (SB) or Current Account (CA) or Over Draft (OD) Account Number or Cash Credit (CC) of State Bank of India can get the following information instantly using his/her registered mobile number (the mobile number registered in SBI CBS System, if not registered the mobile number for SBI account yet then the user need to get his/her mobile number registered in the SBI Branch first).
These are the instant services that can be availed using SBI Quick,
  • Account Balance for SB/CA/OD/CC accounts by SMS.
  • Mini Statement of Account (for SB/CA/OD/CC accounts) containing last five transactions.
  • Block his/her ATM card (if so needed), etc.

How to avail “SBI Quick” Facility for Instant Account Info

11-01-2015 16:13

SBI launched SBI Quick for instant account services.
For Registration – SMS REG ACCOUNTNUMBER to 09223488888.
Balance Inquiry – missed call or SMS as BAL to 09223766666.
Mini Statement – missed call or SMS as MSTMT to 09223866666.
For details SMS HELP to 09223588888.
To avail “SBI Quick” Facility State Bank customer/user/accountholder has to get registered for this facility. The registration process is quick and simple,
Just send an SMS through the registered mobile number (for the account) in the following way,
  • Using your registered mobile,
    go to “Message menu
  • Now start “New SMS
  • In new SMS box type:
    REG <AccountNumber>
    [NOTE: in place of <AccountNumber> you have to type your OWN “SBI Account Number” such as Savings Bank (SB) Account Number or Current Account (CA) Number or Over Draft (OD) Account Number or Cash Credit (CC) Account Number]
  • Now send this to 09223488888
  • Within few seconds you will get registration success SMS sent by SBI to avail “SBI Quick” Facility
  • You can now easily get your Account Balance or Mini Statement of Account (with latest 5 transactions) by simply making a Missed Call or SMS from your registered mobile number.
  • A quick and simple guide on how to use SBI Quick Service is shown in the SMS text in the image placed above:

Knowing Account Balance using “SBI Quick” Facility

11-01-2015 16:13

11-01-2015 16:13 Avail Bal in A/c xxx518: Rs 1234.56 CR
Knowing your account balance using this service is very simple using SBI Quick Service.
  • Just give a missed call on 09223766666
    Send an SMS as BAL to 09223766666
  • Instantly, you will get a return SMS from SBI as shown here.
  • The SMS text looks like:
    11-01-2015 16:13 Avail Bal in A/c xxx518: Rs 1234.56 CR
TIP: Giving Missed Call is easier than sending SMS, hence the number 09223766666 can be saved as SBI Acc Balance in the contacts list of the mobile phone and whenever you desire to get your account balance, simply give a MISSED CALL on 09223766666 and instantly get Account Balance on your Mobile.

Getting Mini Statement of Account using “SBI Quick” Facility

11-01-2015 16:13

Balance: 1234.56 CR
11.25 DR 09/01/15,
641.24 DR 07/01/15,
500.00 DR 06/01/15,
2500.00 CR 04/01/15,
1200.00 DR 02/01/15
Getting Mini Statement of Account using this service is also so simple.
  • Just give a missed call on 09223866666
    Send an SMS as MSTMT to 09223866666
  • Instantly, you will get a return SMS from SBI as shown here.
  • The SMS text looks like:
    Balance: 1234.56 CR    11.25 DR 09/01/15, 641.24 DR 07/01/15, 500.00 DR 06/01/15, 2500.00 CR 04/01/15, 1200.00 DR 02/01/15
TIP: It is clear that, giving Missed Call is easier than sending SMS as sending SMS will cost you but giving Missed Call will not. Hence the phone number 09223866666 can be saved as SBI Mini Statement in the contacts list of the mobile phone and whenever you desire to get the Mini Statement of your SBI account, simply give a MISSED CALL on 09223866666 and instantly get the Mini Statement of Account.

De-registering from “SBI Quick” Facility for An SBI Account

11-01-2015 17:19

Dear SBI Customer, your mobile number is already registered for this service for account number xxx597. For changing the account number, kindly de-register first.
If you do not like SBI Quick service to be availed through your registered mobile number
As SBI Quick for a mobile number can be registered for a SINGLE SBI Account, if your mobile number is registered for more than one SBI account in SBI Branch and you want to change the account number registered for SBI Quick
then you will require SBI Quick De-Registration first.
Hence, for De-Registration follow the steps below:
  • Using your registered mobile,
    go to “Message menu
  • Now start “New SMS
  • In new SMS box type:
    DREG <AccountNumber>
    [NOTE: in place of <AccountNumber> you have to type your ALREADY REGISTERED “SBI Account Number” such as Savings Bank (SB) Account Number or Current Account (CA) Number or Over Draft (OD) Account Number or Cash Credit (CC) Account Number]
  • Now send this to 09223488888
  • Within few seconds you will get de-registration success SMS sent by SBI.
  • You can now easily get away from SBI Quick seva from SBI.
  • If you need to re-register for this service (might be for another account) then follow the registration process.

Other Important Info about “SBI Quick” Facility

instant account services on mobile by sbi quick serviceInstant A/c Info by SBI Quick Service
Besides above, customer can also block ATM Card by sending a SMS to 567676 as BLOCKxxxx (xxxx represents last 4 digit of the card number).
The enquiry for Home loan, Car loan and SBI Quick can also be enquired by sending SMS as HOME, CAR and HELP respectively to 092235888888. The customer will receive instant SMS advising the features of the service followed by call from Bank’s team in case of Home or Car loan.

Do you need HELP on “SBI Quick” Facility

If you want to enquire details of services available under SBI Quick: Simply SMS “HELP” to 09223588888.

State Bank Quick Details:
REG Accountnumber to +919223488888
DREG Accountnumber to +919223488888
Balance Inquiry:
Call or SMS as BAL on +919223766666
Mini Statement:
Call or SMS as MSTMT on +919223866666
ATM Card Blocking:
BLOCK XXXX to 567676 (XXXX is last 4 digit of ATM Card No)
Loan Features:
SMS as HOME or CAR to +919223588888 or 567676
State Bank Team@

Following are the SMS text you will receive after sending HELP query (also shown in left side image):

State Bank Quick Details:
REG Accountnumber to +919223488888
DREG Accountnumber to +919223488888
Balance Inquiry:
Call or SMS as BAL on +919223766666
Mini Statement:
Call or SMS as MSTMT on +919223866666
ATM Card Blocking:
BLOCK XXXX to 567676 (XXXX is last 4 digit of ATM Card No)
Loan Features:
SMS as HOME or CAR to +919223588888 or 567676
State Bank Team@

State Bank of India has always been pioneer in providing various customer convenience facilities through technological initiatives and "SBI Quick" is one more service in this direction.
The above information is based on Press Release dated 10-Jan-2015 by State Bank of India.

More updates may be added here about SBI QUICK service. It is also requested that if you want to share any updates, news, views, experiences on SBI’s Quick Service for Instant Account Information, you are most welcome to do so.


  1. ajay prakash2:06 PM

    Oh this service is very good, now I do not need to rush to the Long ATM queue to check my Balance and/or mini statement of my State Bank accounts. This is the service we were waiting for a long time from SBI. Thanks a lot SBI for this initiative ..

  2. Pritam Kumar Das3:36 PM

    What is the process to get Balance through the MISSED CALL PLS?

  3. Hi Tapan Kumar Mandal,
    As specified above for the ONE-TIME (first time)
    You need to register for the service by sending an SMS
    "REG ACCOUNT NUMBER to 09223488888,
    you will receive a confirmation immediately.

    You can then make enquiry for your account balance by giving a missed call on 09223766666.

    Read the above post for more details.

    Also SHARE it to all.

  4. Ramakrishnan3:43 PM

    Thank you for the facility I am registered but balance enquiry sent is not responded yet!

  5. Jay Kumar3:48 PM

    This is one of the common issue @Ramkrishnan
    Actually, due to overload or server problem response time may be more or you may get this SMS too, some times I also get this SMS from SMS Quick service:

    Dear SBI Customer, Temporarily unable to serve the request . Kindly try after some time.

    Hence, keep patience, this is new service and may need to improve, yet a very good service by S. B. I. I love SBI, my SBI.

  6. Govind Gupta5:00 PM

    Hi! Will the missed call is chargeable to SBI customers?

  7. I Love SBI5:07 PM

    Oh! We live in India and Missed-Call in India is absolutely free till this time. Hence, there is no question of chargeable missed-call. However the one time registration will cost you (one time only) at the rate of ordinary sms charge.
    Once registered for the SBI Quick service fully enjoy Balance and Mini Statement service absolutely free.

  8. DM-SBIPSG5:38 PM

    I liked this service by state bank of India. As the name indicates the SBI Quick service gives instant result i.e. within few seconds we get SMS of Account Balance or Mini Statement of Account for last five transactions.

  9. Prince6:27 PM

    Few days back, I received the SMS from SBI like below

    15-01-2015 18:19

    SBI launched SBI Quick for instant account services.
    For Registration – SMS REG ACCOUNTNUMBER to 9223488888.
    Balance Inquiry – missed call or SMS as BAL to 9223766666.
    Mini Statement – missed call or SMS as MSTMT to 9223866666.
    For details SMS HELP to 9223588888.

    i.e. No zero before mobile numbers
    9223488888, 9223766666, 9223866666, 9223588888
    but you have written these mobile numbers as
    09223488888, 09223766666, 09223866666, 09223588888
    i.e. zero (0) is preceded in each and every number why so?

    Why then SBI sent the numbers without ZEROs. on

  10. Chandra Bhanu Kumar6:38 PM

    Thank you very much for your good information about SBI Quick:

    Just now I have also registered by sending SMS as
    to 9223488888
    and I received the following SMS in return:


    Dear SBI Customer, You are successfully registred for SBI Quick facility.


    As per your Tips, I have also saved two contact numbers in my phone-book
    1) 9223766666 --> As ''SBI A/c Balance", and
    2) 9223866666 --> As ''SBI Mini Stmnt"


    Now, I can simply make missed call to "SBI A/c Balance" to get account balance and missed call to "''SBI Mini Stmnt"" provides me MINI STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS for the LAST 5 TRANSACTIONS.

    I loved this tip and will share among my mates.

    Once again thanks a lot.

  11. Subdh Kumar12:01 PM

    Now we do not need to go to Bank or ATM to know our account balance or latest transaction, we just have to give a missed call to the SBI no given above, and shortly, we will receive the account balance details or mini statement in our mobile in just a blink of eyes.
    This services once again brigs smile in our face. Hope more latest technologies will be introduces by our SBI in the near future.

  12. SB Shashtri1:45 PM

    This is really good service for all the users of State Bank Accounts.

    It is my opinion to make a comprehensive LEAF-LATE about "SBI Quick" and should be pasted on the Entry Gate of each and every SBI ATM and SBI Branch so that more people can know about this mind blowing facility.
    This way time will also be saved for the customers who are in a queue to withdraw money from SBI ATM because out of 10 people 6-8 people first check the Account Balance at the ATM and then withdraw Money.
    Thanks SBI for the great "Go Green" initiative by launching SBI QUICK using missed-call.

  13. अभी भी अपने देश में 85 प्रतिशत लोग Internet Service युज नहीं करते हैं। और बाकी में से कितने है जो कि OnlineBanking service का लाभ लेते हैं। फिर तो यही विकल्प बचता है कि आप या तो SBI ब्रान्च में जाकर Account Balance पता करें जिसके लिए SBI Branch के कर्मचारियों के मर्जी व रवैया पर निर्भर रहना होगा या तो फिर ATM के कतार में लगकर अपने ATM Card का प्रयोग करके अपना Account Balance पता करें इससे अन्य लोग जो कि ATM के कतार में खड़े हैं उनका भी कीमती समय बर्बाद होता है और उन लोगों के खुन्नस का भी शिकार होना पड़ता है। पर इस सेवा का प्रयोग यदि सभी SBI Account Users करने लगे तो इससे SBI Branch के कर्मचारियों व ATM के कतार में लगे लोगों के समय की बहुत ही बचत हो सकती है।

    अब जबकि हमारे देश में सबसे ज्यादा खाताधारक भारतीय स्टेट बैंक का ही है तो अत: यह जानकारी सभी लोगों को हो हम ऐसा महसूस करते हैं।

    अत: अधिक से अधिक इस जानकारी आम लोगों में शेयर करें-

  14. Bhargav12:09 AM

    Download SBI FREE or SBI ANYWHERE from GooglePlay Store for Android.

  15. Oh yes!

    That is good.

    But using SBI Quick we do not need any software or use internet connection or rush to the bank or ATM. We simply have to give missed call on numbers 09223766666 and 09223866666 to get “Balance” and “mini statement of Account” respectively.

    Hence, we must say it that, the service “SBI Quick” is far better than any other service to know Balance.

    With the help of Missed-Call only from our registered mobile number we get account information (Account Balance or Mini Statement of last 5 transactions).

    Only we need to either remember or save these numbers in our contacts list (phone-book) of the mobile.
    +919223766666 (For Balance Inquiry)
    +919223866666 (For Mini Statement of Account)

  16. Choco Boy1:36 AM

    Dear SBI Customer, Your mobile number is not registered for SBI Quick. Kndly register by sending REG accountnumber to 09223488888 from your registered mobile number
    Above is the SMS I received after placing missed-call at 09223766666 but I have not SMS of my State Bank Account Balance.
    Please help me to get SMS by SBI QUICK.

  17. Hi Choco boy, either [you have not registered your registered mobile number (your registered mobile for your State bank account at SBI Branch) for SBI Quick service] OR [you might have a dual-sim mobile and you might have given missed call from your other mobile].
    Because SBI quick is fully successful service even I am also using it. So do not blame such way for the mistakes you have made.

  18. Choco Boy10:56 AM

    OH YES! I have now checked my call details and got it that it was my mistake. Actually I have dual-sim mobile and I had given missed call from my another sim (this SIM is neither registered at sbi branch nor for sbi quick). That is why I had received the return SMS as:

    Dear SBI Customer, Your mobile number is not registered for SBI Quick. Kndly register by sending REG accountnumber to 09223488888 from your registered mobile number

    After correcting the sim card for the missed call I have sent the correct SMS I received in the below format:


    Avail Bal in A/c xxxXXX: Rs ####.## CR

    Thank you for pointing out such a mistake.

  19. srikant9:37 AM

    Good info.... thanx

  20. मुकेश कुमार मणि5:17 PM

    हाँ दोस्तों ये सही जानकरी है क्योंकि हमने भी यही पढ़ा है-

    SBI की ‘क्विक’ सर्विस, मिस्‍ड कॉल से पाएं मिनी स्टेटमेंट

    मुंबई। भारतीय स्टेट बैंक मोबाइल फोन के माध्यम से खाते का शेष या मिनी स्टेटमेंट प्राप्त करने के लिए ‘एसबीआई क्विक’ सर्विस लॉन्च की है। इस सेवा का लाभ उठाने के लिए खाताधारक को एक बार एसएमएस के माध्यम से पंजीकरण करना अनिवार्य है। इसके बाद एसएमएस अथवा मिस्‍ड कॉल दे कर खाते का बैलेंस व 5 लेन-देन से युक्त खाते का मिनी स्टेटमेंट प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।
    सेवा के पंजीकरण के लिए खाताधारक को एक बार बचत खाता /चालू खाता / ओवर ड्राफ्ट / सीसी खातों के लिए बैंक के रिकॉर्ड में उपलब्ध ग्राहक के मोबाइल नंबर से 9223488888 पर एक एसएमएस REGखाता संख्या भेजना होगा। खाताधारक खाते का शेष जानने के लिए 9223766666 को कॉल कर सकते हैं या ‘BAL’ एसएमएस कर सकते हैं। इसी तरह मिनी स्टेटमेंट पाने के लिए 9223866666 पर कॉल कर सकते हैं या ‘MSTMT’ एसएमएस कर सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त ग्राहक 567676 पर BLOCKXXXX (XXXX एटीएम कार्ड नंबर के अंतिम चार अंक डाल कर) एसएमएस द्वारा भेज कर एटीएम कार्ड ब्लॉक कर सकता है।

  21. Kale Naagpal5:47 PM

    This is nice information you have provided while number of ATM transactions in a month have recently been restricted (up to maximum 5 free transactions in a month). From 6th transaction and onwords ATM use now charged by the Bank to its customers.
    So this is good move by SBI for providing Free Missed Call Account Balance Service for its account-holders.
    I think this service will become very popular among the state bank account holders and soon other banks may also introduce such a similar services to the customers.

  22. Ravish4:49 PM

    I was standing in a line (queue) just outside the State Bank ATM for checking my Account Balance through the ATM at that time one of my colleagues was passing by. I told him that I was standing there because I wanted to know my account balance so that I could know if the installment amount was deducted from my account or not.

    He immediately told me that there is no need to visit the ATM only to know the account balance of SBI account. He explained me about SBI quick service by using which any SBI accountholder can know the account balance and mini statement simply by giving a missed call to the 09223766666 and 09223866666 respectively.

    He then took my mobile from me and in the SMS menu he typed REG MySBIAccountNumber and sent it to 9223488888. Within a few seconds I got reply from SBI server that my account got successfully registered for the SBI Quick service. He then told me to save the mobile numbers 09223766666 and 09223866666 for giving missed call to know my SBI account balance and mini statement of account. I thanked him for his help and at the same many other ATM users approached near us and asked us to do the same for them. We had told the entire process and information about SBI quick service.

    We appreciate State Bank Team to give such a facility to us to know our account balance inquiry service through Missed-Call.

  23. Jitendra3:06 PM

    This is very good service given to us by state bank. I have today checked it for my account. The process is very simple and comprehensive.
    I have checked both mini statement and account balance through this service and found it that it works to the satisfaction. I will share this info among my relatives, friends and colleagues etc.
    Thanks for creating such a post.
